Friday, April 18, 2008

Review: It puts the lotion on its skin...

Alright, I received this lotion about a month ago to review (don't you just love freebies!). It's called "Skin MD Natural Shielding Lotion" and it's supposed to be the bomb. And, I'm happy to say, it is!

They sent me a nice sized 4 oz. bottle and a couple of little to-go-packs. In the brochure it said that this lotion is supposed to shield your skin from chemicals like soap or detergents while moisturizing and hydrating at the same time. I've been having a LOT of trouble with eczema on my hands this winter, due to the cold weather and me being an idiot and not wearing any gloves outside or even inside when I'm cleaning or doing the dishes. This stuff? Cleared up the eczema and itchiness each time within a day, without being greasy or smelly and without any cortisone (among the ingredients are aloe, some sort of silicone, vitamin E, and chamomile). I've also used it on my legs where it worked wonders as well.

The only problem is that now I'm addicted and a 4 oz. bottle sells for a whopping $25 which I won't ever spend (well, at least not until next winter when I can't find my gloves again...)

1 comment:

  1. Klingt gut! Gibt's das auch in Dschörmanie? T
