Sunday, May 4, 2008

Deanna Rose Children's Farmstead

No, the Deanna Rose Children's Farmstead is not a place where they put unruly children out to pasture. It's something of a municipal, mostly free, amusement park meant to look like a farm, located smack dab in the middle of the suburbs, where city kids (and grownups) can learn about farming and farm animals etc.

They have lots of farm animals like cows, goats, sheep (some with babies!), bunnies (!), a bison, a longhorn steer, a couple of sad bobcats (quickly walked away from that one), some birds of prey (ditto), and some more. Some can be petted and/or fed! There's also several historic building reproductions - a large barn with cows (you can try out your milking skills on a plastic cow), an Indian encampment, and a little white turn-of-the-century schoolhouse. And a garden, a fishing pond,
a secluded little hiking path through a wooded patch (there were huge wind chimes hanging in the trees, beautiful!), and lots more. Phew! Talk about overkill for little kids! Even I was exhausted after this!

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